Many thanks to our friends at EPS Group. You make all the difference to hungry neighbors in need, and we are grateful for you!

Paz de Cristo is a place of hope for people struggling with hunger, poverty and homelessness.

Grab ‘n Go Dinners are provided every night of the year. All are welcome to walk up or drive up to receive a hot, nourishing meal and bottle of water along with a snack pack.

Hunger is satisfied and hearts are full at Paz de Cristo.


Bottled water is needed now more than ever before.

With the temperature already rising in Arizona, we can provide relief from the heat.

You can change lives at no cost to you with the Arizona Charitable tax credit, up to $400 for single tax filers or $800 for couples filing jointly.


Did You Know?

Of every dollar given to Paz de Cristo, 93 cents goes directly to help people struggling with hunger, poverty and homelessness.