Everyone falls on hard times now and then, and it is our duty, as good citizens in the world, to help our brothers and sisters in their time of the greatest need. At Paz de Cristo, we help people who are struggling and who are in need of a helping hand. Most of those we provide service to deal with hunger, poverty, and homelessness. Our attention remains local, and we focus primarily on the Phoenix East Valley and immediate surrounding areas. The need is great, greater than many people realize. For example, did you know that nearly 30% of our neighbors live on a paycheck that barely covers rent and the necessities of life? Even the smallest gesture like a few dollars or food boxes or a place to stay for a few nights can make a world of difference in the life of someone who has lost almost everything.
That is why we here at Paz de Cristo are committed to helping those less fortunate find the help and comfort and encouragement they need to get back on their feet and get their lives back on track. It all starts with compassion, support, love, food, shelter, clothes, and hope. Once the basic physical needs are met we can begin to tend to the mental and spiritual and emotional needs of those who come to use for help. We give people more than just a handout, we give them a hand up so that they can get back on their feet.
What We Do
Thousands of meals are prepared and served through Paz de Cristo, and it is all done through the help of our volunteers and generous donations from members of the community. Clean clothes, showers, haircuts and shaves are the first step to helping our guests feel better and helps give them a fresh start and helps them feel better about themselves and their future. At Paz de Cristo we also help people overcome obstacles in their path, so they can break the vicious cycle of homelessness and poverty and find work and become self-sufficient once again. Food boxes, basic living needs, and more can easily be provided so long as we continue to have the support of our community.
Those Who Make It All Possible
At Paz de Cristo, we rely on the help and support of donations and volunteers. Form working at our facility and assisting with our guests to helping to fund the work we do here in the community, we cannot do it alone. If you are looking for a way to help us make a bigger impact and touch more lives in the Phoenix East Valley area, consider taking advantage of the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit this year. Make a donation to our organization and enjoy the benefits of a tax break while also knowing you are making a difference in the lives of others right in your own community. Contact us today if you have any questions about what we do or how the Charitable Tax Credit works.