Standing on the Front Line

Posted on 03/31/2020 by pazdev

Responding to COVID-19

As we work through this pandemic together, rest assured that Paz de Cristo continues to feed hungry neighbors in need.

Thanks to incredibly caring volunteers and generous donors, we are standing on the front line. In fact, we’ve been providing dinner every night for more than 33 years, and we haven’t missed a meal yet.

Hunger is satisfied and hearts are full at Paz de Cristo. Here’s how we are pressing on.


How We Help

A hot, nourishing meal is served every night of the year, and food boxes are provided every weekday at Paz de Cristo.

A hot shower and clean clothing give our guests a fresh start. Basic needs for food, water and hygiene are met first.

Personal, one-on-one assistance finding shelter, landing a new job and getting government-issued identification help people get back on their feet.

We are More than a meal. We Feed, Clothe & Empower.


Nightly Meal

All guests are welcome to dine in or take a Grab n’ Go hot, nutritious meal to go each night of the year.

Emergency Food Boxes

Contact-free food boxes are offered on the first, second and third Tuesday of every month.

Food Boxes for Case Workers

Food boxes are provided every weekday to Case Workers who deliver them to their clients.



A hot shower and clean clothing give our guests a fresh start every Wednesday.



Personal, one-on-one assistance helps those in need

    • – find short-term shelter and permanent housing,
    • – secure benefits,
    • – find a job,
    • – get government-issued identification and
    • – receive medical attention from our Circle the City’s mobile medical clinic.


    This powerful intervention of food, clothing, shelter and jobs is helping end the cycle of poverty.

    Lives are changed every day at Paz de Cristo. Be inspired by real stories of victory.